Thursday 10 November 2011

"Strive for progress, not perfection"

Hello fellow bloggers, Does everyone recognize the phrase "Rome wasn't built in a day?" well, this applies to the fitness world, meaning miracles don't just happen over night. We all want that perfect body, but we all want it "yesterday!" It takes a lot of dedication to reach any fitness goal and I'd like to share my top 20 easy to do tips to help you on your way to a healthier you. Remember, although keeping a regular workout plan and eating well is is also about life style changes to increase you daily physical activity or just simply minimizing your bad habits.
1- Seek a Personal Trainer (CSEP-CPT
2- join an exercise group or sports team
3- increase your water intake
4- decrease total fat and salt intake
5- walk to work
6- skip seconds
7- Increase your fibre intake which helps with digestion/metabolism
8- small changes in your diet ie. choose whole grains rather than white bread (refer to CFG for helpful tips)
9- decrease pop intake
10- eat only half your dessert, or skip it all together
11- walk instead of driving when ever you can
12- try not to eat late at night...try keeping a food diary
13- grill, steam, or bake instead of frying
14- go for a 1/2 hour walk instead of watching tv
15- make healthy choices when dining out
16- drink a glass of water before your meal
17- STOP eating when you're full
18- take the stairs instead of the elevator
19- Read food labels

   On another note I'd just like to share that this year I will be 25 and for some reason I've recently felt on the verge of a "quarter life crisis." My physical well being and my looks, I can honestly say have not changed much since my highschool years...maybe it just feels that much closer to 30??? My family, friends and coworkers all think I'm nuts for freaking out about 25. I'm happy, healthy, successful, and pushing a 7 year relationship; what more can a girl ask for?
   I'd just like to share a story about a car ride with a certain girl (you know who you are) whom I love to death, but definitley pushed me over the edge with this whole turning 25 business. Picture a sunny morning fist pumping down the highway to your favourite song, when suddenly tragically the fist pumping deminishes. The radio show rudely interrupts with a very sensitive topic..... yep you guessed it: "women turning 25." With my 25th Birthday just shy of a month away, I begin hearing statistics of women going through "quarter life crisis'," much like myself. As the statistic list goes on and on, my friend proceeds to crank the volume and laugh histerically as they mock me through my speakers. Even though I am quite the movie buff and enjoy the occasional glass of rose vino, I will NOT let this quarter of a century (as they jokingly phrase it) become a downward spiral of me nursing a bottle of wine while surfing through Netflix on a nightly basis!!
     Since hearing these statistics, I have now come to my senses and realize that I am a strong healthy women and to embrace each day. Sometimes your emotional self play's tricks on you, but as women we learn to cope with these stuggles, needless to say. We are only as old as we physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually feel. Right now I feel fantastic! Like one of my teacher's once said: "Never let today be tomorrow you worried about yesterday." I am very happy with my life thus far, and I will continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and motivate others along the way. There is nothing better than seeing a smile on my clients face when they reach that first goal. Whether it's the number on the scale or simply holding that plank position for 30 seconds without dropping.

It takes that little extra motivation, dedication, and determination to keep pushing yourself!

Keep up the great work ladies :)



Sunday 4 September 2011

Pre-Pre Holiday Fit Tips

I know it's a bit early to begin thinking of the holiday season, but I figure a head start will help you focus on considering a fitness program before sweets and the couch take over your winter life. Hibernation season is around the corner, with the fall and winter season quickly approaching, I want to advise everyone not to let the brisk outdoor air keep you in doors.
     We tend to..... for lack of better words... "pack on the pounds" in the fall/winter months. For all of you outdoorsy types; like myself, I encourage you to continue your regular physical activity. I recently took up running outdoors as a hobby and since then, I feel like my day isn't complete without a good run on my favourite trail. I successfully completed two 5k races since my new love of running and my next mission is a 10k. Yes I myself am a big baby when it comes to our crazy Canadian winter, but don't be afraid to pile on some extra layers and get out there and RUN!!!
     With these eating filled months ahead its diffcult to resist moms homemade cherry cheese pie, or nibble on left over Halloween candy... I am not one of those non-junk eating Nazi's, all I'm saying is eat within moderation and watch your serving sizes. Canadas Food Guide is a very helpful tool to monitor your daily intake. Also try joining an indoor league such as volleyball to increase your physical activity, there are tons of activities to pursue, you just need the motivation, so dust off your poor neglected treadmill, bike, ellpitical, etc. and get down to business! Of course if you need that little extra motivation, cinsider hiring ME! Certified Personal Trainer to help you achieve and maintain your health and fitness goals.