Sunday 4 September 2011

Pre-Pre Holiday Fit Tips

I know it's a bit early to begin thinking of the holiday season, but I figure a head start will help you focus on considering a fitness program before sweets and the couch take over your winter life. Hibernation season is around the corner, with the fall and winter season quickly approaching, I want to advise everyone not to let the brisk outdoor air keep you in doors.
     We tend to..... for lack of better words... "pack on the pounds" in the fall/winter months. For all of you outdoorsy types; like myself, I encourage you to continue your regular physical activity. I recently took up running outdoors as a hobby and since then, I feel like my day isn't complete without a good run on my favourite trail. I successfully completed two 5k races since my new love of running and my next mission is a 10k. Yes I myself am a big baby when it comes to our crazy Canadian winter, but don't be afraid to pile on some extra layers and get out there and RUN!!!
     With these eating filled months ahead its diffcult to resist moms homemade cherry cheese pie, or nibble on left over Halloween candy... I am not one of those non-junk eating Nazi's, all I'm saying is eat within moderation and watch your serving sizes. Canadas Food Guide is a very helpful tool to monitor your daily intake. Also try joining an indoor league such as volleyball to increase your physical activity, there are tons of activities to pursue, you just need the motivation, so dust off your poor neglected treadmill, bike, ellpitical, etc. and get down to business! Of course if you need that little extra motivation, cinsider hiring ME! Certified Personal Trainer to help you achieve and maintain your health and fitness goals.